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  • Writer's pictureAnna G.

Let us blow you away with our Sneeze Guards...

Updated: May 8, 2020

"What's with all the sneeze guards going up everywhere? We want some too!"

We've been hearing this from so many of our customers and we have come up with a solution. And, now with Colorado starting to ease some of it's Safer-at-home restrictions, it's time to get your facility ready for business. Help keep viruses at at distance and protect your staff and your customers in your work environment with these plexiglass sneeze guards. They are perfect for your reception desks or greeting area. We can also make some that will work with cubicles as well.

How long will this go on?

The truth is, we really don't know. It could be days, months or years, but let's hope not for all of our sakes. It's important for your staff members to feel safe coming into the workplace and it's equally important for your customers to feel comfortable coming to your office. Put everyone at ease with this additional protection. These sneeze guards are not permanent, don't require screws, and are affordable. We can get them in custom sizes to meet your needs. And, when we return to normal, they can easily be taken down and stored.

We're ready and here to help!

We have started to get a lot of requests as Colorado slowly starts to open back up. We were able to fabricate and install sneezeguards within two days for several customers. Let us help you too! Please fill out our form and let us know your needs.

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